Verruca Assessment - 1st Appointment
Your first appointment offers an overview of the treatments in the market today, what each involves, efficacy and what you should expect. We discuss treatments that we offer and those that we do not, giving you, the patient, an overview of what would be most suitable.
We encourage you do your own independent research into the numerous treatments currently on offer.
The decision to go ahead with any treatment is up to you, and we always advocate that not treating verruca or hand warts is perfectly acceptable.
At the Foot Clinic, we offer an effective treatment for Verruca called Needling.
This technique has a 75% success rate
It is well documented and we have numerous success stories at this clinic
In clinic our success is in line with the evidenced research.
Verruca Needling is very well evidenced, peer reviewed.
We have a lot of success with verruca needling. This is one of our favourite success stories
Verrucae can be very distressing and our client Mrs P came to the Foot Clinic in 2022 with this large filiform type Verruca seeking our help
The verruca was over 10 years in situ and this patient had tried all the usual over the counter treatments but nothing worked
There is a verruca at the apex of the 2nd toe causing disruption to the nail, plus the obvious one on the first toe. Treatment was to Needle both verruca just once and review after 3 months. Needling is done under a local anaesthetic which your podiatrist can give.
And here is the final result. We met up again after 16 weeks, and in that time the verruca had completely resolved and the skin returned to normal
Mrs P went on holiday and wore sandals for the first time in years. She has more confidence and is ecstatic that this prominent verruca resolved in quick time. And her 2nd toe nail has returned to its normal position, no longer is it being pushed up by the verruca.
If you would like to consider Needling, for verruca treatment then book your Verruca Assess and Treat appointment today
The podiatirst will go through treatments with you, what is involved and how likely it is to be successful. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. So book today